On Thu, 29 Jun 1995, Eric Thomas wrote:
> On Thu,  29 Jun  1995 01:03:42  -0400 Vickie  Banks <[log in to unmask]>
> said:
> >Seems like this must be a common  problem, and there must be a number of
> >versions of a UNIX-based UNIX conversion  program out there, but I'm not
> >sure what to look for. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> It shouldn't  be difficult to do,  but, never having had  that problem, I
> have no idea where you could find that.
  We went through this.  We have conversion programs that will convert
RiceMail on Vm to unix as well as the VM Names file to unix aliases....
we moved from our IBM to unix a few years ago and if I can find the programs
I will post them here.  Failing that, I know Alan Thew at the University
of Liverpool in the UK also developed such conversion programs.....I will
ask him to post them (he has posted them elsewhere) if I can't find ours.