Mario, alas, it is the same net.kook from HISTARCH. After being booted off my
list, he disappeared for awhile and then showed up on the anthropology and
archaeology lists (ANTHRO-L and ARCH-L). The listowner of ANTHRO-L finally
booted him off there after continued offenses, he was kicked off ARTIFACT, and
other lists threatened to go to a moderated format.
   The net.kook's university pulled his accounts in mid-April. This didn't
stop him in the slightest. He signed up to a commercial provider and carried
on with his threats of litigation, and trying to wreck my reputation wherever
he could (including on lists that I am not subscribed to). Unfortunately, due
to probable pressure from the net.kook (I'm sure that he screamed about his
First Amendment rights), the university reinstated his accounts, and one of
his first notes was to accuse me of various crimes against him.
   The final straw came last week. The net.kook issued an ultimatum to me and
my university. He ordered me to "unrigg" my computer to allow him access to my
three lists (only two of the lists are set up to reject him), or else. His
exact words were "You can do this the easy way or the hard way". That did it.
I have notified the university's General Counsel and supplied them with all
the documentation (carefully kept in a series of files entitled "Jerk"). I am
also working with our police to press charges of harrassment.
  I will keep everyone informed of what happens. Someone forwarded to me the
AUP (Authorized Use Policy) from the net.kook's university. One of the
offenses clearly noted is no harrassment of other users. I have notified the
postmaster at that university and sent him a copy of the ultimatum. The person
wrote back, and seems to claim that the note was simply annoying rather than
threatening. Fortunately, the ASU lawyer agreed with me that it was a direct
Anita Cohen-Williams; Reference Services; Hayden Library
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ  85287-1006
PHONE: (602) 965-4579              FAX: (602) 965-9169
[log in to unmask]  Owner: HISTARCH, SPANBORD, SUB-ARCH