On Thu, 1 Jun 1995 17:40:40 EDT Richard E. Lynch said:
>Since this was all generated by a single person it's probably not
>worth all the fuss.  I haven't found a global way to prevent
>an*@anon.penet.fi from subscribing though.
FILTER_ALSO= an*@anon.penet.fi
Goes in the LISTSERV configuration file (GO.USER, SITE.CFG, LOCAL SYSVARS,
or SITE_CONFIG.DAT (I think that's the right name for VMS)).  Can only be
set by the LISTSERV Maintainer (postmaster).
If you're a list owner and want to keep an*@anon.penet.fi off of <your>
list unilaterally, add a
* Filter= Also,an*@anon.penet.fi
line to your list header (or add an*@anon.penet.fi to your existing
Filter= line).