On Thu, 15 Jun 1995 08:13:40 MDT Kingsavanh Bounkeua said:
> tell listserv /forward for xxxx
>I got  '* Unknown command - "/FORWARD". Try HELP.' from listserv.
>and there is no help on forwarding.
In looking at LISTSERV's 191, we also have a FORWARD SYSVARS file.  I'm not
100% sure, but it appears that the existence of this file activates the
Here is mine, as an example:
* This  file  contains  System  Variables definitions  for  the  optional
* LISTSERV mail forwarding subsystem (LSV$FORW).
* FWD_AUTH    - List of authorized users who can change mail forwarding
*               options on behalf of other users.
FWD_Auth = postmaster userid'@'node
* FWD_RESENT  - Controls whether 'Resent-' tags are generated when
*               forwarding mail.
FWD_Resent = 1 /* Do generate 'Resent-' tags */
* FWD_FM      - Filemode  of  the  'FORWARD  FILE' to  be  used.  If  the
*               corresponding disk  is accessed R/O, it  is automatically
*               re-accessed before the file is used and all commands that
*               would require a write to that file are rejected.
FWD_FM = 'A1'
You will also need an entry in the WAKEPARM FILE to trigger LSV$FORW:
ALL      &00:10   10:32:49 CMS  EXEC LSV$FORW
I hope I got it all this time ;-).  If not perhaps Nathan can add the
missing info...
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