1) I seem to recall some discussion about a WELCOME file that can be
automatically sent to new users.  How can I implement this for a
particular list?  It would help cut down on a lot of requests for help.
2) Is there a command that I can use to query LISTSERV and ask it what
lists a particular user is subscribed to?  I frequently get requests
like "please delete me from everything except WX-TALK".  Short of doing
a review on all of the 13 lists I manage or doing a global delete
and resubscribe, is there an easier way to tell what lists a person
is on?
3) Is there any way to suprsss error messages like "UNABLE TO CONTACT
USER FOR XXX DAYS"?  These messages are generally about things that
are self-correcting and do not require action on my part.  Right now
I'm having LISTSERV send error messages to my POP account and letting
Eudora filter them. I'd just like to cut down on network bandwidth
between here and the LISTSERV site (which sits 180 miles north of
me up the T1 line).  Am I correct in assuming that LISTSERV 1.8b will
automatically delete these users after 100 messages like this if I
have FULL-AUTO set?  Thanks.
..Chris..  Manager of WX-***** weather lists University of Illinois.
Chris Novy - WA9V           Internet: [log in to unmask]
Southern Illinois Univ.               [log in to unmask]
Morris Library MC:6632        Bitnet: Chris@siucvmb
Systems Administration         Phone: (618)453-1683(w) or (618)457-6149(h)
Carbondale, IL 62901-6632        FAX: (618)453-3440