Kenneth, regarding the WAFFLE de-gestifier you mentioned, is it
configurable?  Can it de-gestify a listserv digest?  Do they offer the
source code for it?
Or could some C or perl wizard write a unix version of a de-gestifier to
degistify one of our listserv digests?
I too prefer the digest, however if you wanted to make some personal
replies, then breaking it up would be nice.  Or, if you are on a system
that limits the _number_ of mail items you receive, then it would be
really cool to receive the digest in 1 message, then explode it locally
and manipulate each one as you see fit (sort to folders, reply, etc).
Maybe someone at Lsoft has a comment on this?  Thoughts?
On Wed, 28 Jun 1995, Kenneth Udut wrote:
> I've seen one.  It's a utility (actually very handy) for
> Waffle BBS (MS-DOS version of Waffle).
> "De-gestifier" I think is the term it used for itself.
> It reads the digest in, and creates separate mail messages for
> each section of the digest.