>> including changing the headers, I gather, although I've never dared do
> ...
>Dared?  Why is it daring?  Although we still have bitnet, it would never
>occur to me to use it for something like changing listserv headers (or
>much of anything actually).  I always use internet mail.
>   --Natalie ([log in to unmask])
Daring to change the headers in the first place, I mean.  You're right
about the mail, if you cc: yourself a copy you will know exACTly what you
did wrong (or right) later on.
I freely confess I'm computer-semi-literate, at that wonderful stage where
I can easily become fodder for "stupid user" stories because I know *just*
enough to get into trouble and nowhere *near* enough to know how to get
myself out of it again without help.  Just at that stage where the user
manuals start to make sense, so I start trying to do things, but where I
don't quite understand things well enough *really* to know what I'm doing.
The manuals *are* getting clearer, but I still need the occasional
hand-holding, which the manuals don't provide.
Hm.  I see I'm going to have to read the manual again.  Even as I was
composing this, I opened another window and used it to send in a header
change.  I'm still having palpitations ... <grin>.  It succeeded <cheers>
(listserv *says* it did, anyway), but there's something about "Validate=
STORE" being obsolete.  <sigh>
Meanwhile, I'm breaking out the champagne and caviar to celebrate my daring
at doing this for the very first time.
Ah, well.  Make that Pepsi and kippers.
Mario Rups (who learned to be very, VERY careful about using a * with a
     delete command quite early on -- when I erased my entire 300-item
     bibliography while doing my dissertation -- and at least got THAT
     Stupid User Trick out of the way first thing)  (and discovered about
     the computer centre tape back-ups at the same time, luckily *before* I
     sat down to re-type the whole thing)
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