Being all into a major shifting around of the computer room, I've
missed any announcements concerning the release of the version file.
I don't have mine yet.
Was it accidentally dropped in the sending or is it not out yet, and
as it has been YEARS since I've had to manually get one, where and
how do I do that?
Is this even the right place to ask? What a morning! :-P
(This message does not necessarily reflect the views of my company)
  Michael A. Kline, Sr. Senior Systems Engineer   (804)786-1559
  Va Dept of Health                          Home> 13308 Thornridge Ct.
  1500 E Main St. Room 211-3                       Midlothian, VA  23112
  Richmond, Virginia  23219  (FAX: 804-786-7528)   804-744-9126
  "Know God, Know Peace"                           "No God, No Peace"
  "Champions are not men who never failed, but men who never quit"
                                             Ed Kole