In the beginning, there was                               am R 94221  AA
Then Eric said:  let there be                             1AAACACx0+
And he looked upon it and saw it was Good.
As a list manager, however, I find myself missing very much the informa-
tion that could be extracted from the old-style "right-matter."  Just
yesterday, in response to a user saying that his ISP was clobbering his
digests by chopping them into little pieces and sending them on a bite
at a time, I set his options to NODIGEST (I thought).  This morning I
queried his options and found DIGEST to be set.  Did he reset it?  Or
is Alzheimer's setting in?  With 1AAACACx0+ there's no way (for me) to
Can LSoft provide us list managers with a magic decoder ring so that we
can translate these codes into usable information?  I'm particularly
interested in LastDateModified, which QUERY <list> for <subscriber> does
not reveal.