On Sun, 9 Jul 1995, Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. wrote:
> Is there a reason why Sub= Confirm would be better than Sub= By Owner
> [aside from saving the hassle of manual subscription?]
Depends on the list.  If you want only the select, most knowlegable
people in the field, or you have a little list for local discussion of
purely local, site specific topics, then sub by owner is a good idea,
keeping in mind that you will personally have to do address checking if
you think it is needed.
If you're talking a largish list open,confirm would probably be better.
It will keep out a lot of flakes out to cause trouble just for the fun of
it, catch the weird disagreements between what the address should be and
what it really is so you don't have to play detective to figure it out
(though it's a good idea to know how to do that, even if the skill isn't
frequently needed (got one like that right now, the host site swears
the extraneous character in the address isn't their fault, but everything
I've checked so far says it is)).
If you need to restrict the list to a select few, and there *are* valid
reasons for having a list like that, By_Owner would be better.  If you
have the list open for general discussion in the list's field, open,confirm
would probably be better and will automatically prevent subs from addresses
with technical problems so you don't have to personally check on them,
plus blocking the bogus subs (may you always be preserved from such).
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner