Dan - FILTER or SERVE-OFF does not bit-bucket postings/commands - it just
      prevents AUTOMATIC processing.  Effectively the list and/or listserv
      becomes MODERATED for that person.  It lets those responsible for
      the smooth functioning of a list ( or site ) do some checking when
      something triggers a 'warning bell' in their experience.  If the
      person/address checks out, the block can be quickly removed and
      the mail forwarded as appropriate - often without any noticeable
      additional delay.  I'd rather explain a 30 minute delay to one person
      than explain to 10,000+ subscribers how one turkey crashed our
      site by flooding LISTSERV ( via any one of many senerios ) with
      bogus commands/postings.  ( we only support 130 or so lists, so
      imagine what could happen at larger sites )
- mike