This is not Utah's first major abuse of the net.  When "Olga I" happened, I
wrote to an appropriate postmaster and asked that the instigator be found and
that I be told what action had been decided on against that person.  I said
that bad net citizenship by an institution could result in its removal from the
A couple of days later, some hacker hacked some routing table somewhere and
deleted references to some Utah nodes, effectively taking part of the state
offline.  Too darned bad, I say.
Anyway this prompted the above mentioned postmaster to accuse me of the
hacking and to contact my boss and the head man on the campus, without any
evidence whatever against me.
As far as I am concerned, I will rip Utah from any table I own.   What you
should do depends on whether you think the net should be proctected that way
from abuse.   Dave
Dave Gomberg, Experimenta      San Francisco CA USA   [log in to unmask]