On Sun, 23 Jul 1995 15:34:12 -0400 (EDT) Roger Burns
<[log in to unmask]> said:
>Request: I can envision many situations in which the approval of certain
>messages might best be discussed  and shared among several editors, such
>as  the case  just described.  I'd  like to  request that  an option  be
>developed which drops that stricture, such as having
>                     Send= Editor,hold,any
>                                       ^^^
>which might allow any editor/moderator to approve any held message.
Let  me clarify.  The  "Send= Editor,Hold"  option makes  use  of the  OK
mechanism. The OK mechanism is a security/authentication procedure and it
does not let people approve other people's commands because it would make
absolutely no sense and would go in the opposite direction of what OK was
designed to do,  namely increase security. Furthermore  this behaviour is
required to make "Subscription= Open,Confirm" work. So the options are to
live with  this restriction, or not  to use the OK  mechanism and instead
implement a parallel and nearly  identical procedure for editor approval,
which could be told to optionally allow editors to approve other editors'
messages. I  was able  to add support  for "Send=  Editor,Hold" precisely
because I didn't have to do that - 95% of the work was already done.