Patrick Douglas Crispen wrote:
> Can someone give me a good reason why *any* LISTSERV list should not be
Well... there are BBS systems that have 1 subscription to a list, to get
the mail, which they then distribute to all their users.  Any one of these
users can then read the mail, and if they want to reply they can do it -
if you have SEND= Public.  If you set it to private, it means they all
have to individually subscribe.  Sure, it is possible... but I have users
that will complain about this.  Their BBS users don't see it as a
'list' per se, as much as one of my information sources they can pick and
choose from on their system.  So the BBS operator is trying to do them a
service by making it available.
Still, I think I may change over to SEND= Private, to make things more