I took a different approach.  ARCH-L is a list for archaeologists so our
archives do not have very broad appeal.  I told the company that they were
welcome to archive the logs.  ARCH-L logs can be already searched via
listserv for those who can master the syntax, individual months can be
retrieved via the web, and the National Center for Preservation Technology
and Training is archiving them on their gopher.  In other words, anyone can
get the information for free if they are willing to do a bit of work. If
they don't have the time to learn, they could pay someone (e.g. a student)
to find it for them.  A commercial archive/search engine is the same thing.
Their service has to be significantly easier or faster than the available
free approaches or no one will use it and they will soon be out of business.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
David L. Carlson                                   ARCH-L Listowner
Anthropology Department                  Phone: (409) 845-4044
Texas A&M University                   Telefax: (409) 845-4070
College Station, TX  77843-4352       Internet: [log in to unmask]