> Does LISTSERV keep/provide any statistics/logs/records on Database SEARCHes
> and on GET logxxxxx requests? If so, how do I obtain them?
Don't think there are stats for this.
As to maintaining archives/database for your list, depends on your list.
Some lists which are primarily chit-chat may have no use for them.
However, professional discussion lists may find them very useful for
checking on what has been said in the past about a particular topic.
AUTOCAT has complete logs going back to Jan. '91.  We had to take out
the '91 logs about a year and a half ago, but we saved three copies
of the entire year and were able to restore it to the database a few
months ago.  And I did send, on floppies, copies of the '91 archives to
some people doing research for that year, before we got it restored to
the database.  And some of our people get upset when I delete old files
from the filelist, even though they were never intended to be permanent.
And if no one else uses the database, the listowners definitely do.
As I said, depends on your list.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner