On Mon, 21 Aug 1995 15:32:01 +0000 gARY kLASS said:
>Has anyone undergone a change from RiceMail to Mailbook
>(as has, I guess, Mizzou1.missouri.edu)?
I don't believe we've gone to mailbook here, but rather we are moving to
showme, based on an IBM risc server, or rather a cluster of servers.  We
are still using ricemail for Mizzou1, that's what I'm using right now.  Take
a look at the MU web site, URL: www.missouri.edu for information on the
Bob Bender
   * Robert M. Bender            email:  [log in to unmask]   *
   * Director of Special Degree Programs      Phone:    314-882-6060   *
   * Professor of English and Women Studies   FAX:      314-882=5785   *
   * 19 Parker Hall                                                    *
   * University of Missouri-Columbia                                   *
   * Columbia, Missouri 65211                                          *