>It may just be me but my first impressions are that AOL-users have a bigger
>tendency to just disappear than any other netropolitan. Consequently most
>delivery problems occur with @aol.com addresses.
No, it's not your imagination.  I think it's just that AOL allows a free
trial period, people sign up for it, then don't unsub from lists before
their trial runs out.  (AOLians also end up generating the vast majority of
our "mailbox full" error messages, which does *not* endear them to us, I
must admit.  And AOLians tend to be well represented among the clueless
newbie set, save in the fall when the freshman classes join up.)  (You
think it's bad now, btw?  Just wait until the Windows 95 hordes appear over
the horizons ... )
>2) I'm thinking of adding some sort of BlackList to my
>   subscription-software, thus allowing me to "outlaw" users from aol.com.
>   Although I find that this may be a bit over the edge, what is your
>   opinion on this?
I've heard of one listowner who has done this, but it's terribly unfair to
the vast majority of responsible AOLians.  We *do*, however, immediately
unsub any aol account at the first "user unknown" message we get, whereas
we evaluate other such error messages on their individual merits (i.e.,
does that particular address have regular problems resulting in "user
unknown" messages, and does the listowner on duty at the time feel
murderous (delete) or charitable (set nomail).
If we had a *lot* of aolians, though, and a high traffic list ... I dunno.
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