From: lstsrv-l
To: Multiple recipients of list LSTSRV-L
Subject: Re: A question about site licenses
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 1995 9:22AM
>>         The only freebie that can remotely compare to Listserv is
>> 6.0c.  I have used both, and am now VERY much in the listserv camp.
> My sentiments exactly.
> We had all our lists running under LISTPROC, until the developer decided
> he was going to sell it.  It more or less works, but it's convoluted
> and difficult to understand and maintain; we weren't about to pay for
> it.  We discovered the UNIX port of LISTSERV and the rest is history.
> For what we paid, it's a great deal.  We have no complaints!
> We might be unusual here in that our company has always been suspicious
> of free packages.  We'd rather pay for software so that we're assured
> of support when we need it.
I'm glad the most of us and LSoft think so.  I just wish MS thought so.  MS
have that attitude that people would rather get the software cheaper and pay
$150.00 per phone call to solve the bugs in their own software.  I'm glad
that LSoft don't take this approach and I think that their price is very
reasonable.  We use the NT version.
Von W. Rix
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Tri-Service Toxicology Consortium
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH