On 18 Aug 95 at 8:36, Lefty wrote:
> You seem to be proposing, and correct me if I'm wrong, that people
> should flood Mr. Slaton's home and physical mail box with rubbish,
> and tie up his phone with prank calls.  In many jurisdictions, I
> believe that such actions might well constitute harassment.
Putting the legal aspects aside for a moment, because I am sure many
do not care if he is harrased or not, we need to consider a different
Most of the ideas suggested require the use of resources that will
cost other people money in order to irritate Mr. Slaton.
Many smaller companies have small budgets for promotion and to cost
them vital funds just to fill his mailbox with paper is hurting them
more then Mr. Slaton is hurting us.
Also many people who openly ignore standards of behavior in order to
perform these kind of SPAMS are the type of people that not only are
not bothered by mail and phone calls, they take a perverse joy in
knowing that they are getting on people nerves.
They don't think like we do, what bothers us just provides
entertainment to them.