Hi, Chris.   I think the  problem might have  been that you untar'd in your
LISTSERV directory itself ... this is usually done in a temp directory.
But, now that  you are where you are,  you should just  be able to  install
LISTSERV from  scratch and then move over  the archives,  setup files, etc.
You  could  also restore lsv  and  the other   critical files  from tape or
whatever you use, and then do a slower, more deliberate upgrade.
I'm sure you will be doing this in the future :-),  but what I always do is
make a   copy of LISTSERV's  directory tree  before  I do anything drastic.
That way I can get back to where I was if I screw up or something else goes
Also,  you don't  really need to  run  the whole "make  update,"  if you're
willing to do some manual work.  Just  unpack everything in the archives to
a different directory  and compare the dates on  files to see what is newer
in the new version.  Usually it's only a few files.  Rename all of your old
versions of those files,  then copy the  new ones into  their place.  Then,
copy lsv.o into the same  directory as lsv, rename  lsv  so you can get  it
back, and run "make server," which does nothing but make the new lsv.  This
is all with  LISTSERV stopped, of course.  Then  restart LISTSERV ("go bg")
and if  it doesn't work right, you   can get back  to  the old  one just by
renaming all your "old" versions.  If it does  work right, after a few days
you can delete the old ones ...
I'll check my mail again tonight.  Hope you  get out of  this OK.  It's not
so bad :-)
"War dims hope for peace"