I want to put a BOTTOM_BANNER on one(or all) of my lists.  The text file
looks like this:
All commands MUST be sent to &MYSELF
Help                   Obtain a more complete list of commands
SET &LISTNAME option   Update your subscription options (see below)
        SET options include:
           Mail       Receive Mail
           NOMail     Suspend Mail
           DIGests    Post delivered in a package
           INDex      Subject: headings only delivered
           SHORThdr   Short headers.  No "Info from the header" section
           DUALhdr    Has an "Info from the header" section (default)
If you have any questions, please email the owner at &OWNER
I PUT the file successfully and proceeded to post a letter to the list to
try out the banner.  The BOTTOM_BANNER, however, did not appear.  What am I
doing wrong?
Please email me privately, I'm on digest.
--                   Kathryn A. Smith                                --
--                   [log in to unmask]                W                --
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--         <        --__           __--        >  (  )/              --
--  *---w---|' )\       ----   ----       /( `|----mm--*             --
--    w_|   | /  \        --___--        /  \ |                      --
--     ( |\ `'    |                     |    `'                      --
--     <.)        |                     |                            --
--      M         (                     ) EXOTIC-L & DOM_BIRD owner  --
--                /\ /`-------------'\ /  CAGTAG-L list co-owner     --
--              /   |              |  | Pet Bird FAQ maintainer(1/3) --
--             <    |              |  |                              --
--              \   |              |  | Ask me about Directions for  --
--                \ |              |  |  Rope Halters for Horses!!   --
--                  |              |  |                              --