Our listserv was apparently down for a few days about a week ago, and
some of the messages appear to have never been delivered.  Here's the
message I get from the logs when I restart listserv now:
10 Aug 1995 14:05:32 >>> Error X'00C00FA3' enqueuing mail for delivery <<
10 Aug 1995 14:05:32  -> Severity: Error
10 Aug 1995 14:05:32  -> Facility: SMTP error code
10 Aug 1995 14:05:32  -> Abstract: Unspecified error (500) - See RFC821 e
10 Aug 1995 14:05:32 -> 1429 mail files left unprocessed.
10 Aug 1995 14:05:32 SIGNUP files are being compressed...
10 Aug 1995 14:05:33 -> No entry removed.
1429 messages unprocessed?  How do I get them processed?  Do I want
them processed?  If not, how do I purge them (a Sun Sparcstation)?
These and other questions will be answered next week.  Same bat time.
Same bat channel.
Chris Barnes                                 (409) 846-3273 (home)
[log in to unmask]                        (409) 845-9520 (work)
   "I am in the greater danger before God when I know clearly what
    He wants me to do, but willfully & defiantly refuse to obey."
                     - Dr. James Dobson   (ref: James 4:17)