On Mon, 31 Jul 1995 11:34:32 EDT, Stan Horwitz <[log in to unmask]> said:
> Hello people;
> Someone asked me about how he can  post files on his Listserv list's filelist
> via Unix. This  is for Listserv-NJE for VM Version  1.8b. My interaction with
> our Listserv is  exclusively done from VM  so I am not sure  what's needed in
> order to put files  on a Listserv list on our VM system  from a Unix account.
> Is there  an LSVPUT  version available for  Unix or some  other way  of doing
> this? If anyone knows  of a writeup which explains this,  please let me know.
> Thanks
It's simple!  Just use the other comman way: E-mail  :-)
Any LISTSERV List Owner can alter his/her FILELIST and add/delete files
remotely using e-amail regardless of the computer system s/he's working
on, as long as the LISTSERV Postmaster has already created the files
'listname FILELIST' and 'listname FILEID' for the list owner.
Check the file 'LSVOWNER FIL-LIST' (with a hyphen instead of 'E')
from [log in to unmask]  It contains all the information
needed to maintain a LISTSERV FILELIST from an account on a remote
system using e-mail.
Other useful LSVOWNER files available from [log in to unmask] are:
LSVOWNER READY     'Your List is Ready' blurb
LSVOWNER WELCOME   'Welcome to this list' blurb
LSVOWNER TXT       Generic List Owner Instructions
LSVOWNER NEW-LIST  New List Announcement blurb
LSVOWNER HEADERS   List header instructions
LSVOWNER FIL-LIST  FILELIST instructions using e-mail
| Bassem Fanari         | Bitnet:   [log in to unmask]           |
| Dept. of Computer Sc. | Internet: [log in to unmask]  |
| King Abdul-Aziz Univ. | Snail:    P.O.Box 20882, Jeddah 21465, S.A. |
| Jeddah, Saudi Arabia  | Voice:    (966-2) 670-3484                  |
|---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----|
|   Life  is like a clock, you can work constantly and be right all   |
|   the time, or not work at all and be right at least twice a day!   |