My (newly aquired) list has >1000 subscribers, yet distributes to only 200
people.  While many people set nomail and follow the newsgroup we gateway
to, I did not think that there were 800 of these people, so I added the
*  Renewal= Yearly,Delay(21)
to the header of my list last friday.
Saturday morning, I received notice that "The following 520 subscribers
were requested to confirm their subscription" (followed for the next two
hours by about 200 error messages for addresses that were bad).
Today, I received notice that "The following 1 subscriber was requested to
confirm his subscription."
Many people have written me saying that they have not recieved a
subscription confirmation request.
My question is, "Is this normal, to send confirmation requests to half the
list, then 3 days later follow up with one person and not the rest of the
- --
Mark Drake   [log in to unmask]
"A physician is not angry at the intemperance of a mad patient, nor does he
 take it ill to be railed at by a man in a fever.  Just so should a wise man
 treat all mankind, as a physician treats a patient, and look upon them as
 sick." -- Seneca