On Tue, 8 Aug 1995 16:03:28 EST Rex Bontrager said:
>I've seen this suggestion before, but what's the difference between
First, as I just noted, it should be EDITOR= netaddress,(listname). But
the difference between that and SEND= PRIVATE is that a non-subscriber's
post is not simply rejected out of hand, but is forwarded to the primary
editor who may decide whether or not to forward it on to the list.
The Editor= netaddress,(listname) method allows you to close the list to
spurious postings (e.g., spam) by non-subscribers, but still not alienate
people who post from a POP account one day and a mainframe account the
next...or whose sysadmins may have changed their host name without
telling them. :)  Getting a message to the effect that their mail has
been forwarded to the list moderator is much nicer than getting a message
that says "You aren't subscribed so buzz off."  (Or whatever it says.:)