On Mon, 11 Sep 1995, Larry Clark wrote:
> Anyway, when I set up the list, I answered "yes" to two questions: 1) do I
> want a confirmation every time someone joins the list, and 2) do I want the
> sender's message to be sent back to the sender as well as the rest of the
> members of the list.
> So far, I have received neither confirmations nor copies of the messages
> which I have sent out.  Is there a command I can send which will enable
> these two features?
This appears to be the old confusion over the different meanings of
"confirm."  In this instance confirm means that when someone sends in
a subscription command LISTSERV sends in reply a message to which
the would-be-subscriber must reply properly within a specified period
(the default is 48 hrs., but you can change it in the header).  You,
as listowner, aren't sent anything (unless it bounces and you get it
as an error message).  If what you want is to know whenver someone
subscribes to your list(s) what you may want is Notify= Yes or
Notify= your@address in the list header.
For the sender of the message to get a copy of the message sent to
the list you need REPRO.  It's a subscription option.  You can set
all your current subscribers to it by sending to the LISTSERV
QUIET SET listname REPRO FOR *@*
That won't take care of new subscribers, though.  For that, change your
list header to read
Default-Options= Repro
I assume you can change your list headers.  If not, ask whoever set the
list up for you to do it, please.
       Douglas Winship   Hays County, Texas  [log in to unmask]
                    Secondary AUTOCAT Listowner