The question of whether an individual should unsubscribe or set
themselves to NoMail crops up occassionally here on Lstown-l.
My preference is that users unsubscribe, as that keeps things cleaner;
they return only if they really have the interest, and when they do return
you have a greater chance that their address is valid.  Sometimes with
NoMail the person changes address, and no one knows.  (NoMail has other
uses that I do like such as a person who wants to receive list mail at
one address but has a 2nd address they only want to post mail from, etc).
HOWEVER NoMail might be better if Listserv had a 'heartbeat' - a small
email message, sent lets say once a month, to each NoMail user.  Now,
that would make it very easy for the NoMail user to remember his list
subscriptions.  The Heartbeat would not have to go out very often.
Perhaps it could be configurable but once a month seems reasonable to me.
If all your subscibers used NoMail when they have a temporary absence,
then the list of subscribers would be more accurate also.
Would this be a good idea?
(SIGNATURE) Kevin J. Sinclair,  [log in to unmask],  USA Pacific Time Zone
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          "The day is short, and there is much work to be done"