On Tue, 5 Sep 1995 20:45:16 +0200 Eric Thomas said:
>On    Tue,    5    Sep    1995   20:02:37    +0200    Turgut    Kalfaoglu
><[log in to unmask]> said:
>>And, can we begin hoping for an OS/2 version? -turgut
>The 12 customer offer  still stands. Find me 12 customers  who will buy a
>license (not  the shareware version,  the normal commercial  version, any
>capacity)  and we  will port  it. This  does not  include people  who are
>totally convinced  that we will sell  2,000,000 copies of LISTSERV  if we
>port  it  to  OS/2.  There  are many  such  people,  but  unless  they're
>interested in  actually making a  purchase themselves, they  don't count,
>because convictions don't pay bills. I've been making this offer for over
>a year  and have yet  to see more than  3 names. Incidentally,  I thought
We'd at least think about it.  I would buy a LMail for OS/2, depending on
price and if it replaced sendmail entirely.
>OS/2 was going to be able to  run Win32 applications. If that's true, the
>Win95 version  will run  under OS/2,  maybe with a  tiny change  here and
It can run WIN32S binaries at the 1.20(?) level.  I think Windows 95 v1.0 is
at the 1.25 level.  OS/2 does now support WIN32S at the source level
in some developer's kit.
>there to say "OS/2"  rather than "Windows 4.0" and the  like. If you want
>to try this  I recommend a non-graphical install (intel.zip  + unzip with
>long filename support + installation guide).
>  Eric