> Sorry to bug you people with this stuff, but I'm kind of at my wit's end
> to solve this problem.  This lady, when she posts to my list, cannot seem
> to do it without this file coming along.  It seems like it only happens
> when she does a "reply to" or something along those lines.  But people
> have suggested all kinds of things, and the attachment still comes along,
> a binary file, MIME, I guess.
> The file title always comes in the "Attchmnt" part of the header:
> 1. [Application/MS-TNEF] (2.7KB) ""
The MS-TNEF files are created by Microsoft Exchange, not Microsoft
Mail.  There is a way to turn them off, but I don't know what it is.
If no one else here knows, I can check with someone else tomorrow.