>Comments: To: "St. Johns List Owners" <[log in to unmask]>
>A solution would be for LSoft to have a lookup function.  This would be
>like the scan command, basically, but you would be limited as to how many
>you can issue per day.  Lets say each sending addresses can do up to 3 of
>these per day.  That will block out most if not all of the spammers, but
The problem is NOT necessarily SPAMMERs per se, but to those who
enable SPAM in the first place: those dedicated miscreants who
surf our lists, newsgroups, WEB sites, GOPHER PH, etc. collecting
(and sometimes organizing) names.  They create _automated_
procedures to subscribe/review/unsub.  They then rent their wares
for a $$$ to SPAMMERs.  Mailing list managers are just one of a
host of facilities.  If you enable any automated facility, you
open up a door.
/Pete Weiss -- Penn State