Dear Winship,
This was not a spam.  I have only sent this message to some people who =
are active list owners/administers and might benefit and be interested =
in my offer.  Again this message is NOT being ramdomly broadcast =
(spammed) to everyone who is a subscriber of this mailing list.   =20
In fact, it was suggested to me that this would be an appropriate method =
of contacting people, rather than posting the message to the mailing =
list itself (like I am doing now). =20
If you have any suggestions as to how to better contact selected people =
please let me know.  :-)
P.S.  I have read many postings from individuals looking for someone to =
host their list on this mailing list
Robert Kapela
From:   Winship[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:   Thursday, December 07, 1995 1:08 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list LSTOWN-L
Subject:        mailing list (fwd)
Anyone else getting copies of this?        Douglas
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 1995 10:44:42 -0800
From: Robert Kapela <[log in to unmask]>
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: mailing list
                                                **THIS IS NOT A SPAM**
Dear Winship,
I noticed that you already own and administer your own mailing list...
...You are one of the lucky ones. Many potential list owners are =
finding it difficult to find someone that will host and administer their =
mailing list for them at a reasonable price...
...I have recognized this need and have started a company call =
SPENCER-DAVIS GROUP which is dedicated to hosting and administering =
mailing lists at reasonable prices...
... If you know anyone who is interested in starting their own mailing =
list please refer them to my web page, or better yet, if you sign them =
up for my service I will give you $50.00 for every mailing list that you =
sign up!!
Remember to check out my home page for more information: =
Thank you for your time and consideration :)
"Mailing List Hosting & Administration Services"
Robert Kapela
[log in to unmask]
Fax: 800-551-3052