On 1Thu, 7 Dec 1995 14:22:41 -0800, Robert Kapela  wrote:
>Dear Winship,
>This was not a spam.  I have only sent this message to some people who
>are active list owners/administers and might benefit and be interested
>in my offer.
The usual definition is an unsolicited promotional message (it doesn't have
to be commercial) sent to a number of people who do not share a narrowly
focused interest.  If you only sent your message to list owners, whether
it's spam or not is arguable.  However, in my professional opinion,
promoting a list hosting service to those who already own active lists is
somewhat akin to trying to sell iceboxes to Eskimos.  On that ground, your
message was a waste of bandwidth--a rationale for objecting to spam in
/s Murphy A. Sewall <[log in to unmask]> (860) 486-2489 voice
   Professor of Marketing                          (860) 456-7725 fax