Having just downloaded the revised Listserv manual, I'm wary of being too
picky and suggesting too many little improvements.
Nevertheless, :)  I've been concerned with the daily-threshold.  Based on
its function as a daily limit for messages, I would have hoped that if
the threshold was reached, the queued messages would *automatically*
be released at midnight.  This is not the case.  In fact, it seems that
once the threshold is reached, the list remains held indefinitely until
the listowner manually frees the list.
I suppose there is a philosophical reason for this; but it sure would be
nice if, when the daily threshold is reached, one could have the option
of auto-freeing or manually freeing the list.
Bob Kosovsky
Student, PhD Program in Music                   Librarian
Graduate Center                                 Music Division
City University of New York                     The New York Public Library
[log in to unmask]                      [log in to unmask]
                 Listowner, [log in to unmask]
                 Administrivia to:  [log in to unmask]
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