I recieved this address from a listserve faq.  I do not subscribe to this list
so please email me directly at [log in to unmask]  From this faq, I read
that we can petition for free listserve service.  So here I go:
We are potentially looking for several types of lists but the most important an
primary list would be an MEETING-ANNOUNCMENT list which would send email notices
to our 850+ members plus whoever else subscribed.  We have between 5 and 15
meetings per month covering the interactive world.  Everything from VR, Multedia
law, to the On-line world.
Thank you for reading this request.  I look forward to a response.
You can read more about us below or check our our web site
at www.la.iics.org.
About the IICS/LA:
The IICS is the International Interactive Communications Society, a worldwide
professional trade association dedicated to interactive multimedia.  Being over
11 years old and with over 25 chapters worldwide and 5,000 members, the IICS is
the oldest and largest association of its kind dedicated to digital arts and
technology.  The Los Angeles Chapter is one of the flagship chapters of the IICS
with over 10 Special Interest Groups (SIGs) dedicated to the myriad aspects of
interactively.  The Los Angeles chapter is also one of the largest IICS chapters
with over 850 members.
About the IICS/LA On-Line SIG:
The LA On-Line SIG was started in 1995 to cover the explosion in on-line
services and its growing importance to the converging industries.   The On-Line
SIG has three missions: 1) To provide a interactive public speaking forums where
the IICS membership can discuss the most important and most current topics of
the on-line world with the professionals who are making the on-line revolution
happen.  2) To educate the IICS membership in the technology of on-line data
communications, and its business applications. 3) To define the IICS/LA on-line
presence, though the LA BBS and Web Site,  by providing a member driven forum
where IICS members may volunteer and help create the LA Web Site.  Previous
Speakers for the On-Line SIG include representatives from CompuServe, Earthlink,
Pacific Bell and Claris Software.
   Daniel Culbertson                           ____  \ International
   IICS/LA ON-LINE SIG Leader                  IICS   \ Interactive
   [log in to unmask] <-> 310.450.4013          \ Communications
                                                        \ Society
LA HOTLINE: 310.313.5664  <-> ILAB BBS: 213.469.IICS <-> WWW: www.la.iics.org