Is this a listserv problem, our system problem, the subscriber's problem,
or's problem?  Anything I should do as the listowner?
The subscription keyword for the list is by_owner, so I forwarded
the request back to [log in to unmask]  The subscriber was
listed as [log in to unmask]  But that didn't work as the subscriber
notes below:
Thomas Thole
Listowner deacon-l
>From:  SMTP%"[log in to unmask]" 19-JAN-1996 11:01:49.83
>Subj:  Address problem
>I just tried to reply to a message on the deacon-l list and received a
>BOUNCE saying that I wasn't authorized to post to the list. The problem, I'm
>sure, is that I was using my POP mailer which attaches the POP to the address.
>IOW, I'm probably subscribed as [log in to unmask]
>My POP mailer produces an address such as [log in to unmask]
>                                                   ^^^^^^
>The first netcom is subject to change. I manage a MAJORDOMO list (majordomo
>doesn't have NEAR the features of listserv) and have it set to "munge" the
>domains. With that turned on, the POP portion of the mailing address is
>ignored when determining whether there is an address match. IOW, it would
>accept [log in to unmask]  -or-  [log in to unmask] where the ?????
>can be almost anything. The domain still must remain constant which gives me
>the privacy I want for my list.
>If listserv has the same feature, you might want to consider turning it on.
>Using different POP mailers is quite common.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Tom Thole