After a couple of years of running Listproc, I decided to switch over
     to Listserv on NT.  Installation and configuration went well but now
     all posting cause the following:
     <DIST2> VIA check - probable logic error. Job (0318) transferred to
     [log in to unmask]
     Information about the failing job
     Job origin: [log in to unmask]
     Actual ("FROM=") origin: [log in to unmask] Job
     type: Mail
     Spool fileid: "TOAD MAILDIST", DISTcode=LISTSERV
     Reason: a loop has been detected in the DISTRIBUTE path taken by your
     SMTP_FORWARD is set to a SCO machine that uses MMDF.  Could this be my
     problem?  I'm not sure what the "DISTRIBUTE path" is.
     Any help is appreciated.