We had one subscriber at max.muhlberg.edu.  Last Friday or Saturday we
got a flood of errors (over 700) for that one subscriber.  The sub was
set to digests (unfortunately, not quietly).  Now we are getting, in
bursts of three, about three times a day, items like below.  Note that
they claim to be from autocat-request, but are really comming from
max.muhlberg.edu (as far as I can tell).  The sub. was finally deleted
so now we're getting these things for that also.  And since the from
field says autocat-request, guess who gets one of those nice long
stock "listname-request" messages for every one of these blasted things.
I've tried to do some research, but haven't gotten far (whois shows the
record is from 1991, no address for the zone contact, IP number not
authoritative, etc.) Have tried to contact a few people, but nothing yet.
Any bright ideas?         Douglas
>From <@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU:[log in to unmask]>  Thu Feb  8 01:19:51 1996
Return-Path: <@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU:[log in to unmask]>
Received: from UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu (ubvm.cc.buffalo.edu []) by mailhub.acsu.buffalo.edu (8.7.1/8.7.1) with SMTP id BAA18009 for <[log in to unmask]>; Thu, 8 Feb 1996 01:19:50 -0500 (EST)
Received: from UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU by UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu (IBM VM SMTP V2R3)
   with BSMTP id 2776; Thu, 08 Feb 96 01:19:14 EST
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Received: from max.muhlberg.edu by UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu (IBM VM SMTP V2R3)
   with TCP; Thu, 08 Feb 96 01:19:09 EST
From: [log in to unmask]
Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Report-Version: 2
>To: UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu!AUTOCAT-Request
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 96 01:00:27 GMT
Original-Date: Sat, 3 Feb 1996 11:20:33 -0500
Original-Subject: Change in your subscription options for the AUTOCAT list
Not-Delivered-To: due to 12  Inability To Transfer
     (rmail: Error # 2 'Problem with mailfile')
En-Route-To: bowers
Content-Type: text
Status: RO
>From smtp Wed Feb  7 20:00 EST 1996
>From AUTOCAT-Request Sat Feb  3 11:20:33 0500 1996 remote from UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu
Received: from UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu by max.muhlberg.edu; Wed,  7 Feb 96 20:00 EST
Received: from UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU by UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu (IBM VM SMTP V2R3)
   with BSMTP id 6378; Sat, 03 Feb 96 11:20:33 EST
Received: from UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (NJE origin LISTSERV@UBVM) by
 UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 7450; Sat, 3 Feb 1996
 11:20:33 -0500
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 1996 11:20:33 -0500
From: UBVM.cc.buffalo.edu!LISTSERV ("L-Soft list server at UBVM (1.8b)")
Subject: Change in your subscription options for the AUTOCAT list
To: MAX.MUHLBERG.EDU!bowers (Linda Bowers)
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
Content-Length: 345
Content-Type: text
Sat, 3 Feb 1996 11:20:33
Judith Hopkins or Douglas Winship <[log in to unmask]> has just altered
your subscription  options for the AUTOCAT  list as per the  "SET AUTOCAT
DIGESTS" command. For more information about subscription options, send a
"QUERY    AUTOCAT"    command   to    [log in to unmask]    (or
[log in to unmask]).