On  4 Feb 96 at 22:31, Brian Crawford wrote:
> [...]
> >Brian, I'm sorry but that's not it.  I have always had RTF turned off
> >because I am aware of the low incidence that uses this particular mail
> >package (although Microsoft would obviously like to change that).  I will
> >investiage further.
> >
> Any advice?
Well, all I can say is that it sure looks like the result of using
RTF.  Perhaps he should pose his question on one of the Win95
newsgroups or email support groups.  I do not use Exchange, but have
dealt with this problem several times on the lists that I own.  It
has been my experience that Exchange users often think they have
turned off RTF but in reality have not.  As I stated before, he will
have to turn off RTF *every* time he sends an email to your list
unless he sets up an entry in his addess book specifying that RTF is
not to be used.  I wish I could be more helpful.  Good luck!
Kimberly Long
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Life is really about a spiritual unfolding that is personal and enchanting --
an unfolding that no science or philosophy or religion has yet fully clarified.
                                              ~James Redfield         )O(