>Is there a way to prevent subscribers from using the conceal
>command?  I would like everyone to be able to see who else is on
>the list, it is that sort of list, where concealed membership
>(even the option of it) might create mistrust.
>Walter Logeman             [log in to unmask]
I believe there is a way.
Before you remove the *conceal* option, you should get the opinion of your
subscribers. They have subscribed to your list on the understanding that
the conceal option is allowable.  If you do not advise subscribers before
removing the option, you may leave yourself open to legal challenge.
Try inserting a line into you header as follows:
*CONCEAL=       No
Sue Sturcke sfo                    email:  <[log in to unmask]>
University of Western Australia    phone   +61 9 349 8568
        "Praise God by your life!" (Clare of Assisi- 1193-1253)