Hi  Sue Sturcke sfo <[log in to unmask]> and all,
> Before you remove the *conceal* option, you should get the opinion of your
> subscribers. They have subscribed to your list on the understanding that
> the conceal option is allowable.  If you do not advise subscribers before
> removing the option, you may leave yourself open to legal challenge.
> Try inserting a line into you header as follows:
> *CONCEAL=       No
Good point about not changing something like this mid stream in
the life of a list.  I intend to use it in a list that I am still
setting up, and hence it will be lear from the tart that there is
no conceal.  I wonder if the automated response message will
remove that instruction about conceal from the intro message?
Must test that.
Thanks Sue,
Walter Logeman             [log in to unmask]