On Mon, 11 Mar 1996 19:04:43 +0800 Sue Sturcke sfo said:
>Try inserting a line into you header as follows:
>*CONCEAL=       No
Nope.  That won't work.  The only way to keep someone from setting the
CONCEAL option is for the LISTSERV maintainer on your site to install
a list exit program that rejects the SET listname CONCEAL command with
an appropriate message back to the person trying to set it.  There is
no list header keyword to disable this.
For more information on list exits, the LISTSERV maintainer is referred
to the LISTSERV release notes for versions 1.8a and 1.8b.
One thing you <can> do is to remove the section of the $SIGNUP template
in DEFAULT MAILTPL that refers to how to set the CONCEAL option.  While
that won't stop LISTSERV-savvy people from setting CONCEAL, at least it
doesn't advertise the option when people subscribe.
Another thing you can do is simply make it clear that CONCEALed subscriptions
aren't allowed, and then periodically send a SET listname NOCONCEAL FOR *@*
command to reset anyone who sets it.  I'll leave the legal issues to the
lawyers.  :)