First you have to GET the header of your list and add the line
Then you have to PUT the header back which should unlock the list
which will have been locked as the result of the GET command.
THEN you are ready to inform people that they can send mail to
the IRC topic by inserting IRC in the SUBJECT line of their
header.  IRC must be by itself or followed by a colon. The
colon acts as separator and listserv still recognizes the TOPIC.
After the colon additional subject matter can be added:
Subject:  IRC: Saturday meeting.
NOTE: the Topics feature depends on the willingness of subscribers
to make sure they ALWAYS insert the topic; it's the "switch" that
makes listserv send the message only to the subscribers who are
on IRC.  Which reminds me.  Of course, the next step after setting
the TOPIC(s) up in the header is sending the command: TOPIC= +IRC
for all the people who want to be set that way.  It becomes part of
their user profile.
I better sign off; a student is waiting.  Send me a private note
if you need more help.  I do a great deal of work with TOPICs.
Ingrid Shafer
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