In list.lst, "Geert K. Marien" <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>   BTW:  New York  (amazingly)  and some  other  states are  considering
>letting (selling, actually) people have  access to their Drivers License
>database.  This  means that any terrorist  group (from Anti-Abortionists
>and Christian  Fundamentalists to your  average stalker) could  find you
>easily and  target you.  If  you care  about yourself, your  family, and
>people in  general, you should get  your butt voting against  the people
>who  want  this to  happen.   And  set a  good  example  for society  by
>respecting the privacy of the people on your list.
Thank you for the warning.  I have considered setting Review
for Listowner Only, and now have been convinced of it.
Thank you.
BTW: There are CD-Rom databases that have the white pages of
the entire USA available.  And they are cheap.  And remember
to watch what's in your .plan, if you have one.
Wishing you peace,
Kenneth Udut <[log in to unmask]>
Listowner of the Children's Rights List <[log in to unmask]>
Listowner of the Minister's Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>