At 06:02 AM 96/03/14 -0500, Maureen Leblanc wrote:
>I'm closing my list and need a little help.
>Do I just say delete hwy61-l *@* , or is there more to it? Do I have to
>somehow leave the gateway there for jim@american to remove or anything?
Yes, that would do it.  I would suggest sending a message to the list
telling everyone that the list is ending and then doing:
quiet delete hwy61-l *@*
When we have closed lists, we have not removed them completely.  We set up a
form letter in the mailtpl file to tell people who try to subscribe that the
list has been closed.  Here are some lines from the header of a closed list:
>*  KIDS-ACT Former KIDLINK list, now closed
>*  Review= Private    Subscription= By Owner         Send= Editor
>*  List-ID= KIDS-ACT
>*  Confidential= Yes
"Confidential= Yes" removes the list from the global list of lists.
The KIDS-ACT MAILTPL file includes this:
>>>> ADDREQ1 &LISTNAME: &WHOM requested to join
>Dear &MBX(&WHOM),
>We have received your request for subscription to the &LISTNAME list.
>This list is now closed.
Providing this kind of information will keep people from wasting a lot of
effort trying to find out whether the list has moved, changed names, or
>Thanks again everyone, and take care.
And best wishes to you, too.
                               Peace,  Dan
<<  Daniel D. Wheeler - Education & Psychology, Univ. of Cincinnati  >>
<<  KIDLINK Director of Educational Services & Subscription Manager  >>
<<  Email: [log in to unmask]      URL:  >>