>On Sat, 2 Mar 1996, Walter Logeman wrote:
>> I thought I might mention that the list I run Psyber-L as one of
>> its purposes is to look at the psychological dynamics of list,
>> and the roles of leadership.  Stimulated by my learning here I
>> have just started a thread there "List leadership"  . . .
>> > List management, List-owning,  list editing, Moderating &
>> > facilitating, are all different and distinct tasks -- though
>> > they overlap.
>Interesting that you sent this.  While fixing dinner this evening I
>happened to wander into wondering why long term listowners (some burn
>out early and turn their lists over to others) do it, and thought about
>sending a note to this list about it, suggesting it might be a good
>research project for a psych. major working on a master's or doctorate.
What a good idea!
I'm one of four list-*tenders* of a Franciscan listserv at American
University, Washington DC.  I'm third in line in length of service to the
list, but prior to my incumbancy very little *technical* stuff was attended
to.  We only have 150 subscribers and quite a manageable volume, so the
bounces don't become a problem.
We're very lucky that our Host maintainer has programmed the listserv to
filter possible spams and send them to the listowners for distribution or
trashing according to our decision.
Sue Sturcke sfo                    email:  <[log in to unmask]>
University of Western Australia    phone   +61 9 349 8568
        "Praise God by your life!" (Clare of Assisi- 1193-1253)
Co-list-tender Listserv list: [log in to unmask]