On Sat, 23 Mar 1996 08:43:11 EST Marilyn H. Fetterman said:
>There is one person I unsubscribed from my list for breaking the posting
>guidelines and unacceptable behaviour.  Now I want to send the command
>to permanently block this person from subscribing to avoid an
>unsubscribe/subscribe battle and list battle.  Could someone please
>tell me the command and in what document it is given.
Have you tried "Filter="?  Get your list's header and add a line saying
* Filter= Also,<userid@node>
You can add as many userid@node entries as you want; just separate them
by commas.
Information on this can be found in the Keywords Appendix of the Owner's
Manual.  Send INFO KEYWORDS to your listserv command address to get a
copy of the document.
Good luck.
-- John Witherspoon
   American Univeristy
   Washington, DC