I used to have my one public list set to
* Subscription= Open, Confirm
* Default-Options= Review
This was effective at preventing both spammage and newbie-junk.  However,
approving the posts of people set to REVIEW, then setting them NOREVIEW
after a post or two was more that I wanted to do (it's a hobby list).
So, I thought I could prevent some of the work by getting rid of the
REVIEW default and changing to sub-by-owner.
That worked and has lessened my work load to a point, but now I am getting
many more errors as I have lost CONFIRM.  Is it possible to do "Owner,
Confirm"?  Confirm really helped keep bad addresses (and the truly inept)
off the list ...
SCAN-L, etc
Peter Laws<[log in to unmask]>|"I'd rather get cable TV from the phone company
[log in to unmask] |than phone service from the cable company"-unk.