I've just become co-owner of CANCER-L, a high volume list that provides
support and advice to cancer patients and their loved ones.  The space
required by the list archives is becoming a problem.  I'd like to
understand what options are available to reduce space required for
The range of topics varies widely from hard medical info to humor and
discussions of non-medical topics.  Often, being able to discuss something
other than the medical aspects of cancer is important, so we take a broad
view of what's acceptable.  Still, not everything is worth keeping in the
I'd like to keep everything for about a month so that subscribers who were
on vacation or in the hospital can "catch up".  After that I'd like to
prune the archives eliminating items such as "12 inches of snow today".  Is
it possible to fetch, edit, and replace an archive?  Am I letting myself
open to accusations of censorship?  Can my fellow listowner and I delegate
the editing chores without conferring full ownership?
Barry Wolman
Pittsburgh, PA