Such delays rarely originate in one's own system.  I manage three
lists and only once or twice in all the the many times when there
have been delays were the delays due to the Temple University system
where my lists are located. Usually there is a major break or bottle
neck in the "backbone" -- one of the nodes through which traffic is
routed.  Messages have to be re-routed, and sometimes they simply
stack up.  A few months ago everything (including my listserv commands--
which is very unusual since they are routed differently from list-mail)
was delayed up to three days.  You can imagine the pile of mail I
received from frustrated list members.  I think Nebraska was out
at the time; their computers were flooded out or something of the
sort.  When the dam finally opened people (including myself) had
hundred's of messages tumble into our mailboxes, all within half
an hour or so.  Then the error messages started because people's
mailboxes filled up . . .
Keep in mind that the Internet is fragile and performs remarkably
well considering the load we put on it.  I send notices out to
my subscribers explaining in advance what may happen and asking
them to keep in mind that electronic communication and especially
mailing lists are more of a privilege than a right. One should
be grateful that things function so smoothly most of the time
and learn patience for the times when harware or software fails.
Peace, Ingrid Shafer
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